Problems tagged with "nearest neighbor"

Problem #001

Tags: nearest neighbor

Consider the data set shown below:

What is the predicted value of \(y\) at \(x = 3\) if the 3-nearest neighbor rule is used?



Problem #018

Tags: nearest neighbor

Consider the data set of diamonds and circles shown below. Suppose a \(k\)-nn classifier is used to predict the label of the new point marked by \(\times\), with \(k = 3\). What will be the prediction? You may assume that the Euclidean distance is used.


The new point will be classified as a Diamond.

To classify a point with \(k\)-nn, we examine the \(k\)(in this case, \(k = 3\)) nearest "neighbors" to whichever point we want to classify. Then, whichever class appears more among those neighbors, we'll predict our new point is part of that class too.

So, what are the three neighbors closest to our new point? Since we assume Euclidean distance (and not some other type of distance, like Manhattan distance), this problem becomes fairly easy to solve from first glance.

Graphically: the three nearest points are the red Diamond to the upper-right of our new point, the blue Circle to the lower-left of our new point, and the red Diamond directly above our new point. The diamond class is more common among the three neighbors, so we predict our new point will also be of the Diamond class.

Mathematically: Euclidean distance is defined by \(D = \sqrt{(\delta x)^2 + (\delta y)^2}\), where \(\delta x\) is change in the x-direction and \(\delta y\) is change in the y-direction. We can find the Euclidean distances from each point in our graph to our new point. Whichever three points have the smallest Euclidean distances are the three neighbors we should look at the classes of. After finding all Euclidean distances, we find that the three neighbors we should choose are the same as the ones we chose above, in the visual explanation. The respective Euclidean distances for these three points are \(\sqrt{1^2 + 1^2} = \sqrt{2}\), \(\sqrt{(-1)^2 + (-2)^2} = \sqrt{5}\), and \(\sqrt{0^2 + 3^2} = 3\), which are shorter than all other distances to the new point in the graph. As an aside, the idea behind \(k\)-nn is that we assume a property that if two points are similar in location (i.e. they are near each other), then they are likely similar in class. So, \(k\)-nn is valuable in situations where we have data that is very spatially correlated (ex: predicting price of a new house as "high" or "low" depending on other house prices in the area.)


To classify a point with \(k\)-nn, we examine the \(k\)(in this case, \(k = 3)\) nearest neighbors to whichever point we want to classify. Then, whichever class appears more among those neighbors, we'll predict our new point is part of that class too.

Graphically: The three nearest points are the red Diamond to the upper-right of our new point, the blue Circle to the lower-left of our new point, and the red Diamond directly above our new point. The diamond class is more common among the three neighbors, so we predict our new point will also be of the Diamond class.

Mathematically: Euclidean distance is defined by \(D = \sqrt{(\delta x)^2 + (\delta y)^2}\), where \(\delta x\) is change in the x-direction and \(\delta y\) is change in the y-direction. We can find the Euclidean distances from each point in our graph to our new point. Whichever three points have the smallest Euclidean distances to our new point are the three neighbors we should look at the classes of. After finding all Euclidean distances, we find that the three neighbors we should choose are the same as the ones we chose above, in the visual explanation. The respective Euclidean distances for these three points to our new point are \(\sqrt{1^2 + 1^2} = \sqrt{2}\), \(\sqrt{(-2)^2 + (-1)^2} = \sqrt{5}\), and \(\sqrt{0^2 + 3^2} = 3\), which are shorter than all other distances to the new point in the graph.

Problem #059

Tags: nearest neighbor

Let \(\mathcal X = \{(\nvec{x}{1}, y_1), \ldots, (\nvec{x}{n}, y_n)\}\) be a labeled dataset, where \(\nvec{x}{i}\in\mathbb R^d\) is a feature vector and \(y_i \in\{-1, 1\}\) is a binary label. Let \(\vec x\) be a new point that is not in the data set. Suppose a nearest neighbor classifier is used to predict the label of \(\vec x\), and the resulting prediction is \(-1\). (You may assume that there is a unique nearest neighbor of \(\vec x\).)

Now let \(\mathcal Z\) be a new dataset obtained from \(\mathcal X\) by scaling each feature by a factor of 2. That is, \(\mathcal Z = \{(\nvec{z}{1}, y_1), \ldots, (\nvec{z}{n}, y_n)\}\), where \(\nvec{z}{i} = 2 \nvec{x}{i}\) for each \(i\). Let \(\vec z = 2 \vec x\). Suppose a nearest neighbor classifier trained on \(\mathcal Z\) is used to predict the label of \(\vec z\).

True or False: the predicted label of \(\vec z\) must also be \(-1\).

True False


This question is essentially asking: if we scale a data set by a constant factor, does the nearest neighbor of a point change? The answer is no: therefore, the predicted label cannot change.

When we multiply each feature of a point by the same constant factor, it has the effect of scaling the data set. That is, if \(\mathcal X\) is the data shown in the top of the image shown below, then \(\mathcal Z\) is the data shown in the bottom of the image (not drawn to scale):

You can see that the nearest neighbor of \(\vec x\) in \(\mathcal X\) is point #4, and the nearest neighbor of \(\vec z\) in \(\mathcal Z\) remains point #4. As such, the predicted label does not change.

Problem #077

Tags: nearest neighbor

Let \(\mathcal X = \{(\nvec{x}{1}, y_1), \ldots, (\nvec{x}{n}, y_n)\}\) be a labeled dataset, where \(\nvec{x}{i}\in\mathbb R^d\) is a feature vector and \(y_i \in\{-1, 1\}\) is a binary label. Let \(\vec x\) be a new point that is not in the data set. Suppose a nearest neighbor classifier is used to predict the label of \(\vec x\), and the resulting prediction is \(-1\). (You may assume that there is a unique nearest neighbor of \(\vec x\).)

Now let \(\mathcal Z\) be a new dataset obtained from \(\mathcal X\) by subtracting the same vector \(\vec\delta\) from each training point. That is, \(\mathcal Z = \{(\nvec{z}{1}, y_1), \ldots, (\nvec{z}{n}, y_n)\}\), where \(\nvec{z}{i} = \nvec{x}{i} - \vec\delta\) for each \(i\). Let \(\vec z = \vec x - \vec\delta\). Suppose a nearest neighbor classifier trained on \(\mathcal Z\) is used to predict the label of \(\vec z\).

True or False: the predicted label of \(\vec z\) must also be \(-1\).

True False
